Thursday, February 14, 2019

Week of February 11

We're still making our way through February! We wrapped up Tuck Everlasting and have been re-visiting the perfect tense in order to master it.

We are also celebrating Black History Month! Every day your student gets to wear a name tag with a picture of an influential Black American. On the back of the tag is a short biography of that person. There's a mix of people from history and modern day people, but regardless of which one your student gets, they are certainly learning a lot about Black history. Throughout the day, other CPA students and teachers ask your student about the person on their name tag, and at the end of the day, they do a short writing about that person. We will continue this through the whole month. Additionally, we start or end each ELA class with a video, poem, piece of art work, or information about a Black American. The kids especially like the Flocabulary videos, and everybody has been very engaged and respectful as we dedicate some time each day to respectfully learn more about Black history.

Today, as many of your students are sugared up for Valentine's Day, we are watching "Our Friend Martin," which is about a kid who goes back in time to save Martin King Jr's life. As we watch, we'll be wondering if their decision to save his life is for the good of our nation or not.

Next week we will do some practice with extended response writing as well as review grammar and punctuation/capitalization.

Thank you for all the sweet Valentine notes and gifts. Your students sure know how to make me feel loved!

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